“I want to see this College continuing to provide a friendly and welcoming place for education and research, in an atmosphere of academic freedom, whilst also offering a supportive and sensitive community in which all are able to grow and discover new things about themselves. This has certainly been my experience and, I hope, that of others too. It is a privilege to be part of this community and I am delighted that I will be able to carry on playing my part here in the future through my legacy.” Fiona Floate, Personal Assistant to the Principal
~ Click here for Fiona’s article ~
It is always a joy to hear people say that coming to Regent’s made a really positive difference for them. Remembering Regent’s in your will carries that positive difference far into the future.
In fact, ever since Regent’s began to matriculate students in the 1950s, successive legacies and bequests from supporters have brought into existence essential aspects of College life and have had a major, long-lasting impact.
If you would like to explore making this special kind of impact, or if this is something you are planning and are happy to share with us, feel free to get in touch to discuss any aspect in confidence on 0044 (0)1865 288141 or at development@regents.ox.ac.uk. We would be pleased to talk with you about your wishes and intentions.
Although we are unable to offer legal or financial advice, we are happy to answer your questions about legacies in general. A will is very personal, and we quite understand if you prefer to keep your intentions private; however, if you do wish to let us know about a legacy to Regent’s, we will be delighted to have the opportunity to thank you personally and keep you informed about the difference your gift could make.
It is important to consult your legal adviser before drafting a new will; updating an existing one or making other plans for your estate. If you would like to leave a gift in your will to Regent’s, please use the following wording: ‘I give to Regent’s Park College (charity number 1181801) the sum of [insert number] pounds (£[insert figure]) towards the General Fund; and I direct that the receipt of the Trusts Administrator or other proper officer of the Trust shall be a sufficient discharge to the executors for this gift.’
For more information about legacies or any other matters concerning development at Regent’s, please contact the Development Office: