Programme Trinity Term 2024

Wed 4pm-6pm

Collier Room Regent’s Park College Oxford

Trinity Term

1 May (Week 2 TT)

Prof Cecile Laborde – Indirect discrimination, Secular law and Christians

8 May (Week 3 TT)

Prof Nazila Ghanea and Sir Malcolm Evans – Round Table: Overlapping Aspects of Freedom of Religion or Belief and Prevention of Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment – UN Special Procedures Consultations (By invitation only, please contact should you wish to register)

29 May (Week 6)

Rabbi Naftali Rothenberg Halakhic subjectivism contrary to the principle of generality of law

There are many reasons why Halakha cannot be considered as a parallel or alternative legal system to state law. In this lecture the speaker will focus on one key aspect: subjectivism in the validity of halakhic law and the ruling process versus the principle of generality of law. The thinkers Al-Ghazali and Maimonides tried to formulate such a principle in the context of Sharia and Halakha. At least with regard to Judaism, Rabbi Naftali would argue that it is doubtful whether Maimonides succeeded in this.



34 June (Week 7 TT)

Religion, Freedom, Equality: Transatlantic Conference

Organisers: Paul Billingham (Oxford), Cécile Laborde (Oxford), Larry Sager (Texas)

Summer Common Room, Magdalen College, Oxford


Bringing together leading experts from politics, philosophy, and law from both the USA and Europe, this conference will explore a range of pressing normative issues regarding the interactions between religion, politics, and law. The conference follows on from highly successful predecessors held in 2022 and 2023.


Places are limited, so please register if you wish to attend, by completing the form here:


Speakers: Rebecca Aviel (Denver), Stephanie Barclay (Notre Dame), Francois Boucher (KU Leuven), Maria Cahill (Cork), Chris Eberle (US Naval Academy), Valentina Gentile (LUISS Guido Carli), Myriam Hunter-Henin (UCL), Alex Livingston (Cornell), Tariq Modood (Bristol), James Nelson (Houston), Jim Oleske (Lewis & Clarke), Julian Rivers (Bristol), Isabelle Rorive (Brussels), Larry Sager (Texas), Nomi Stolzenberg (USC), Simon Thompson (UWE), Nelson Tebbe (Cornell), Sabine Tsuruda (Queen’s), Kevin Vallier (Bowling Green), Marietta van der Tol (Oxford), Baldwin Wong (Hong Kong Baptist)


Any queries should be directed to the conference assistant, Jacob Williams (


6 & 7 June 2024 (Week 7 TT)

Public Lecture and Workshop

All the Kingdoms of the World, Integralism, and Religious Attitudes Toward Liberalism

Organisers: Paul Billingham (Oxford) and Joshua Hordern (Oxford)


“Is the New Catholic Integralism True or False?”

Kevin Vallier (Associate Professor of Philosophy, Bowling Green State University)

5:30pm, 6th June, Michael Dummett Lecture Theatre, Christ Church



9:15am-5:15pm, Sophia Sheppard Room, Magdalen College

Speakers: Jonathan Chaplin (Theology, Cambridge), Rachel Gambee (Theology, Oxford), Joseph Kaminski (Politics, International University of Sarajevo), Joshua Hordern (Theology, Oxford), Joan Lockwood O’Donovan (Theology, St Andrews), Thomas Pink (Philosophy, KCL), Kevin Vallier (Philosophy, Bowling Green), Baldwin Wong (Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist)



Spaces are limited at the workshop, so if you would like to attend them please register using the form here:

While the events are connected, you are welcome to attend the lecture even if you do not register for the workshop (and vice versa).


Further information

This lecture and workshop will explore the arguments and themes of Kevin Vallier’s new book All the Kingdoms of the World: On Radical Religious Alternatives to Liberalism (OUP, 2023). The book examines religious anti-liberalism, particularly Catholic integralism, philosophically, theologically, historically, and economically.


Vallier’s lecture will introduce some of the central ideas and arguments of the book, with a response from Tom Simpson (Oxford) followed by Q&A.


The workshop will feature papers from theologians, philosophers, and political theorists with a range of attitudes toward liberalism and integralism. Some papers will focus on a critical evaluation of Vallier’s arguments and positions. Others will use Vallier’s book as a launchpad for discussing the wider themes of the relation between church and state, Christian attitudes toward liberalism, the role of religion within politics, and anti- or non-liberal alternatives to the prevailing order. In other words, through engagement with Vallier’s book, the workshop will facilitate progress in the broader debates to which it contributes.