Our desire to offer education extends significantly beyond those who are able to come to Regent’s Park to study, since at the heart of our mission there has always been a commitment to serve the whole people of God.
We run a variety of courses and training opportunities designed for many different people, ranging from those who have not studied in this way before, and those who are looking for ways to help them in the own Christian life, to those who have already undertaken ministerial formation and training and are looking for further opportunities to think and reflect.
The pages on The Learning Collective and The Learning Collective Courses explain opportunities for anyone in a local church. In addition, the pages on being an accredited Lay Preacher or Lay Pastor offer information about the process of accreditation within the Baptist Union of Great Britain.
There is also information about our exciting new leadership course Equip specifically designed for helping young adults develop their leadership potential.
Information on Sabbatical Opportunities is aimed at those who are serving as ministers in Baptist churches and are looking for possibilities for a forthcoming sabbatical. We hope that there will be something on these pages that will help and stimulate your faith and service.
For further details on any aspect of our Community Learning Programme, contact the Tutor in Community Learning, Jane Day: jane.day@regents.ox.ac.uk.