New Honorary Fellow and New Portraits

Date: 19/06/2019

We are delighted to have welcomed Dr Mo Yan, Nobel Laureate and Professor at Beijing Normal University, as an Honorary Fellow.

Dr Yan’s installation took place on Wednesday 12 June at a packed event, organised by the Oxford Prospects and Global Development Institute, which is based at the College. In his remarks, the Principal praised Mo Yan for a remarkable literary career in which he has, amongst other distinctions, helped to rearticulate traditional Chinese folk tales for the modern world.

The ceremony was followed by a reception, during which four new portraits were unveiled, including one of Mo Yan himself, which had been commissioned to celebrate the diversity of the wider College community.

Charcoal portraits by James Findlay depict Dr Yan and the College’s first female ministerial student, Violet Hedger. These are joined by photographic portraits by David Tolley, featuring the College’s first female Fellow (now Honorary Fellow), The Revd Professor Jane Shaw, and HRH Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad of Jordan, the Honorary Fellow behind the College’s Project for the Study of Love in Religion.