Centre for Baptist Studies launches the findings of Project Violet, its ground-breaking study into women’s experience of Baptist ministry.

Date: 1/05/2024

On 2 May 2024 the findings of Project Violet will be released.  This major research project has sought to understand more fully the theological, missional, and structural obstacles women ministers face in the Baptist community in England and Wales and identify ways forward.

With requests for change addressed to its national structures, Regional Associations, Colleges and local churches, the findings seek changes across Baptist life.

Director of the Centre for Baptist Studies, Dr Tim Middleton said, ‘Project Violet has provided a detailed picture of the challenges women face in Baptist ministry.  Whilst commending the results to the Baptist community, I know it will also be of wider academic interest.’

The requests for change are based upon sixteen pieces of research undertaken by Baptist women ministers and a process of theological reflection.  A participatory approach using Theological Action Research has been used for the first time in Baptists Together.  All the research and interviews with the women are available on the project website.  Commitments to action on the findings will be taken to Baptist Union Council on 23 October 2024.

An online International Symposium for academically-engaged Baptist women in January 2025 will allow for wider academic reflection upon the findings.

Project Violet has been undertaken by the Centre for Baptist Studies at Regent’s Park College, Oxford and funded by the Mission Forum of Baptists Together and Baptist Trustees.

Project Violet Co-leaders Revd Jane Day and Dr Helen Cameron are available for interview.

See the Project website www.projectviolet.org.uk