One Earth, One Love Conference
Date: 10/03/2023
The Love in Religion Project at Regent’s Park College is hosting the One Earth, One Love Conference on the 26th and 27th of April, to mark the publication of Paul Fiddes (ed.) Loving the Planet: Interfaith Essays on Ecology, Love and Theology, (Oxford: Firedint Publications, 2023).
Wednesday 26th April 2023 – Symposium of Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars
2pm – 9pm BST (UK)
Regent’s Park College, Oxford & Online
Hosted by the Love in Religion Project at the Oxford Centre for Religion and Culture, the Laudato Si Research Institute, The Lane Center and the Caritas Center.
On Wednesday we bring together the Abrahamic faiths for a symposium on various topics:
- Are Jews commanded to love the planet?
- The Qur’an through a hermeneutics of ecology and love
- The Earth as sacred
- Agrarian approach to the care of the Earth
Thursday 27th April 2023 – Conversation between Orthodox and Baptist scholars on care for the planet and the climate crisis
2pm – 9pm BST (UK)
Regent’s Park College, Oxford & Online
Hosted by the Centre for Baptist Studies, the House of St Gregory and St Macrina, the Doctrine and Christian Unity Commission of the Baptist World Alliance.
A dialogue between Orthodox and Baptists including:
- Holy Compost: love for all creation in the Orthodox Tradition
- Climate change as a wake up call: a Baptist perspective
- Theology after the tipping point
- The symbolic ontology of creation
- a Baptist vision of ecological hope
Participation is free on both days, but registration is essential on Eventbrite:
Paul Fiddes (ed.) Loving the Planet: Interfaith Essays on Ecology, Love and Theology, (Oxford: Firedint Publications, 2023):
Flyers with Speaker information:
Wednesday 26th April:
Thursday 27th April: