I have an interest in Baptist history and theology, in particular in the 20th Century.
I have wider interests in Christian doctrine and ethics, the letters of St. Paul, and the nature of Christian ministry.
I am a Baptist minister, who underwent ministerial formation at Regent’s Park College (2007-2010), and currently serve Belle Vue Baptist Church, Southend on Sea.
In addition to my work at Regent’s Park College, I am an editor of the Journal for Baptist Theology in Context, co-founder of Theology Live, a one day conference for Baptists engaged in theological research, and part of the team overseeing the Baptist Academic Network.
I have degrees in Theology from King’s College London (2003, 2004), Oxford (2010) and a PhD from the University of St Andrews (2019).
My role in college
I am a Lecturer in Baptist History and Theology. This makes me responsible for the teaching of Baptist history to ministerial students as well as creating new online courses in Baptist history and theology.
Selected Publications
- Ed. with Eleasah P. Louis, Voicing New Questions for Baptist Identity (Oxford: Centre for Baptist Studies, 2023)
- Ed. with John Colwell, Ministry in Conversation: Essays in Honour of Paul Goodliff (Wipf & Stock, 2022)
- The Ruling Christ and the Witnessing Church: Towards a Baptist Political Theology. The 2022 Whitley Lecture (Oxford: Whitley, 2022)
- Renewing a Modern Denomination (Pickwick, 2021)
- Ed. with Anthony Clarke and Beth Allison-Glenny, Reconciling Rites: Essays in Honour of Myra N. Blyth (Regent’s Park College, 2020)
- Ed. with Paul Goodliff, Rhythms of Faithfulness: Essays in Honor of John Colwell (Pickwick, 2018)
- Ed. with Myra Blyth, Gathering Disciples: Essays in Honor of Christopher Ellis (Pickwick, 2017)
- ‘To Such As These’: The Child in Baptist Thought (The Centre for Baptist History and Heritage Series Vol 4; Oxford: Regent’s Park College, 2012)
Articles and Research Papers
- 'English Baptists Confessing the Faith in the Twentieth Century: A Response to Christopher Crocker', Baptist Quarterly (forthcoming)
- 'Lois Chapple (1897-1989): A Life in Service of Christ', Religions 15.7 (2024)
- 'John Clifford and God's Greater Britain', Baptist Quarterly 54.4 (October 2023)
- ‘The Politics of Disagreement in the Body of Christ’, Journal of European Baptist Studies 23.1 (2023)
- ‘Baptists and the Bible in the Last 100 Years’, Journal for Baptist Theology in Context Issue 9 (2023)
- ‘The Reception History of James McClendon, Jr. in the United Kingdom’, Journal for Baptist Theology in Context 7 (2022)
- ‘Baptists and Same-Sex Relationships: A Brief History’, Baptist Ministers’ Journal 353 (January 2022)
- ‘Ministry and Geography’ in Ministry in Conversation: Essays in Honour of Paul Goodliff (Wipf and Stock, 2022)
- ‘A Summons to be Heard: Towards a More Just Baptist Identity’, Journal of European Baptist Studies (2022)
- with Paul Goodliff, ‘Theology, Ministry and the Christian Life’ in Myk Habets et al (eds.), The T & T Clark Handbook of Colin Gunton (T & T Clark, 2021)
- ‘Ernest A. Payne: Forerunner of Catholic Baptists’, Baptist Quarterly 52.2 (April 2021)
- with Beth Allison-Glenny, ‘Appreciating Ruth’, Journal of Baptist Theology in Context Issue 4 (2021)
- ‘Women and the Institution: The Struggle for Women to be Involved in the Baptist Union at the End of the Twentieth Century’, Journal of Baptist Theology in Context 1 (February 2020)
- “The End of Preaching is Reconciliation”: Reflections on Preaching with Sermon Exhibits’ in Reconciling Rites: Essays in Honour of Myra N. Blyth, 71-89.
- ‘Nation, State and Church: Baptist Responses to David Cameron’s King James Bible Speech’ in Anthony R. Cross and John H. Y. Briggs (eds.), Freedom and the Powers: Perspectives from Baptist History (Baptist Historical Society, 2014), 205-13
- ‘Towards a Baptist Sanctoral?’, Journal of European Baptist Studies 13.3 (May 2013)