I have an interest in Baptist history and theology, in particular in the 20th Century.

I have wider interests in Christian doctrine and ethics, the letters of St. Paul, and the nature of Christian ministry.

I am a Baptist minister, who underwent ministerial formation at Regent’s Park College (2007-2010), and currently serve Belle Vue Baptist Church, Southend on Sea.

In addition to my work at Regent’s Park College, I am an editor of the Journal for Baptist Theology in Context, co-founder of Theology Live, a one day conference for Baptists engaged in theological research, and part of the team overseeing the Baptist Academic Network.

I have degrees in Theology from King’s College London (2003, 2004), Oxford (2010) and a PhD from the University of St Andrews (2019).

My role in college

I am a Lecturer in Baptist History and Theology. This makes me responsible for the teaching of Baptist history to ministerial students as well as creating new online courses in Baptist history and theology.

  • Selected Publications