Dr. Cynthia Liu completed her DPhil in Classics at Oxford in 2023. Her research focuses on the way Greco-Roman poetry relates to other discourses, especially poetry and religion. She also has an interest in Classical reception in Renaissance Italy and in early modern China.
Selected Publications
- Greco-Roman Literature and the Mysteries: Eleusinian and Bacchic cults and the Orphic tradition from Parmenides to Ovid. Proposal under review (Bloomsbury Academic).
- Enea Silvio Piccolomini’s Chrysis: Introduction, Text, Translation, and Commentary. Co-authored with R. A. Smith. Under contract (Bloomsbury Academic, Bloomsbury Neo-Latin Series: Early Modern Texts and Anthologies).
Articles and Research Papers
- “Fer, Fusa, Φυσάω: Dithyrambic and Acrostic Strategies in Tristia 5.3.” (forthcoming, Classical Quarterly)
- “I think I’ve heard this song before: reincarnations of Orpheus from Virgil to Ovid.” (forthcoming, Omnibus)
- “Profaning the Vision: Re-evaluating images in Plato’s philosophy through his use of mystery language.” The Journal of Greco-Roman Studies 60.3 (2021) 59-77.
- “The Haunting Voice of Rabidity and Captivity: Sources and Inventions in Ovid’s Hecuba Narrative.” Classical World 115.1 (2021) 6-25.
- “Fools and Philosophers: Piccolomini’s Comedic Response to Lucretius.” PAN Rivista di Filologia Latina 7 (2018) 133-149.
- “(In)delicatessen: classical and Renaissance models in E.S. Piccolomini’s Chrysis.” (chapter in edited volume, submitted to editor)
- “A Jesuit’s Latinization of Chinese ‘epigram’.” (chapter in edited volume, in progress)