Gale is a part-time regional minister for the Eastern Baptist Association, an Ecumenical Canon at Ely Cathedral, and an associate chaplain at Anglia Ruskin University’s Cambridge campus. Gale has completed a PhD with the University of Aberdeen, her research focused on exploring the womanist perspectives of Black British Baptist women leaders for the renewal of Baptist church practices.
Selected publications:
(ed.) with Anthony Reddie and Wale Hudson-Roberts, Journeying to Justice: Contributions to the Baptist Tradition Across the Black Atlantic (Paternoster, 2017)
Text and Story: Prophets for Their Time and Ours (Regent’s Park College, 2019)
‘Learning from the Church’s Role in the Transatlantic Slave Trade in Responding to the Exploitation and Trafficking of People Today’ in Slavery-Free Communities edited by Dan Pratt (SCM, 2021)