Centre for Baptist Studies seeks impact for Project Violet, its major three-year research into women’s experience of ministry.
The Baptist community in Britain are being urged to prepare for the findings of major research on women’s experience of ministry.
Director of the Centre for Baptist Studies, Dr Tim Middleton said, ‘Project Violet has already had an impact on those who have taken part, we are now preparing the Baptist community for the release of the findings to maximise engagement.’
Project Violet is a three-year participatory research project that is examining the place of women in Baptist ministry. The aim of the project has been to understand more fully the theological, missional, and structural obstacles women ministers face in the Baptist community in England and Wales and identify ways forward.
To help the Baptist community prepare five podcast episodes are being released with the first due to drop on 1 February. https://projectvioletpodcast.podbean.com/
In addition a 15-minute film ‘A name to live up to’ has been released with an accompanying study guide. The film features an interview with Helen Pankhurst a prominent advocate for women and Professor at Manchester Metropolitan University. https://youtu.be/7XJQQJJTfps
Seventeen women ministers have undertaken research, and they are meeting in April to agree the findings and requests for change which will be released on 2 May.
Project Violet has been undertaken by the Centre for Baptist Studies at Regent’s Park College, Oxford and funded by the Mission Forum of Baptists Together and Baptist Trustees.
Project Violet Co-leaders Revd Jane Day and Dr Helen Cameron are available for interview.
Contact helen.cameron@regents.ox.ac.uk
See the Project website www.projectviolet.org.uk