15th and 16th January 2025 – to be held online

The Centre for Baptist Studies in conjunction with Baptists Together are organising this online Symposium, to which we are inviting academically-engaged Baptist women from around the world to discuss the findings of Project Violet and the actions arising from this extensive investigation into women’s experiences of ministry.

We have now put out a ‘call for papers’ which you can download here.

In summary we are interested in a range of possible submissions responding to any aspect of the Findings of Project Violet in the form of:

  • A 2000 word paper
  • A 50 minute panel of three women
  • A 1000 word theological reflection
  • A poster to go on the conference website
  • A creative response such as a prayer, sermon, liturgy, poem, artwork, video.

Please send us by 28 June 2024 a proposal of up to 500 words outlining:

  • The format of response you wish to make
  • The main points you wish to make
  • Your name, role, geographical location and contact email address.

Please send your proposals to Alan.Kerry@regents.ox.ac.uk

We will let you know by 12 July 2024 if your proposal has been accepted.

Please feel free to pass on these details to invite other academically engaged Baptist women to make submissions.