Regent’s admits more undergraduates to the Final Honour School of Theology & Religion, and the Joint School of Philosophy & Theology than any other college, which makes for a rich and supportive environment for students in these subjects.
Philosophy and Theology brings together some of the most important approaches to understanding and assessing the intellectual claims of religion. The degree is constructed in the belief that the parallel study of these related disciplines leads to a deeper understanding of each. Regent’s typically admits four students in Philosophy and Theology each year.
The study of Philosophy develops analytical rigour and the ability to criticise and reason logically. It allows you to apply these skills to many contemporary and historical schools of thought and individual thinkers, and to questions ranging from how we acquire knowledge and form moral judgements to central questions in the philosophy of religion, including the existence and nature of God and the relevance of religion to human life.
The study of Theology provides an understanding of the intellectual underpinning of religious traditions, and of the social and cultural contexts for religious belief and practice. It brings together a wide range of skills and disciplines, historical, textual, linguistic, sociological, literary-critical and philosophical.
Are applicants required to submit written work?
Yes, candidates are required to submit one piece of written work for Theology.
Do I need to sit a test?
Yes, all candidates for Philosophy and Theology are required to sit the Philosophy Test (PhilAT). Candidates must register themselves by 4 October 2024, and the test will be taken online at a Pearson VUE centre towards the end of October.
What can a first year student expect to study?
In the first year four papers are taken: The Figure of Jesus through the Centuries, General Philosophy, and Logic and Moral Philosophy. You will also take one of the following: Introduction to the Study of the Bible, Religion and Religions, New Testament Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Qur’anic Arabic, Vulgate Latin, Pali and Sanskrit.
What proportion of the teaching in Philosophy and Theology is done by Regent’s tutors and fellows?
Most of the first year is taught in Regent’s, as is about half of the second and third years, depending on which options papers are chosen. The remaining papers are taught by specialists from across the University.
How close is Regent’s to the Theology Faculty and the Philosophy faculty libraries and resources?
5–10 minute walk
What do the students say?
“Philosophy and Theology is one of the most well-rounded of the Philosophy courses in Oxford, touching on History, Literature, Science, Ecology and numerous other disciplines in varying amounts of depth depending on where your choices take you.”
“Tutes, as they’re known, are there to guide you along the right track. Every tutor I have had has taught me well, encouraging me where I have done well, and assisting me greatly where I have got the wrong end of the stick.”
4 students admitted per year
Course information
A BA in 3 years UCAS code: VV56
Grade requirements: AAA -
Director of Studies
RPC Admissions Officer
+44 (0) 1865 288153 -
Faculty website