We are very aware that the unusual circumstances in which we all find ourselves are putting additional pressure on everyone and we want to reassure you that structures are in place to offer support.
This is a testing time, but we are confident that by looking out for each other and seeing new ways to work and support one another, we will discover new depths of strength and resilience within ourselves, individually and collectively.
If we all maintain these guidelines, we will stay safe and well and be able to provide a positive environment for study and work for all members of the College community.
The general guideline as to whether you should return to working in College, whether full-time or part-time, is that you should continue to work from home as far as possible, only returning to College if you cannot do your work effectively from home as discussed with your line manager. You can take a COVID-19 Vulnerability Self-Assessment on the University’s Occupational Health website and we encourage all staff to do so: https://occupationalhealth.web.ox.ac.uk/covid-19-vulnerability-self-assessment#/.
Current government guidelines are available here, and University guidelines are available here.
Keep your distance
The College site has been prepared to allow for 2 metre distancing at all times as far as possible. One-way systems are in place in some areas and there are floor markings to help maintain 2 metre distancing and to guide you around the site. You should endeavour to maintain 2 metres from anyone you meet at all times, both inside the buildings and outside in the Quadrangles.
Office working: if you share an office you will only be able to do so at the same time if 2 metres distance can be maintained. If this is not possible, a rota arrangement should be agreed by the office users and line managers with appropriate cleaning between different users.
Most meetings will continue to be held on MS Teams or other online platforms, partly to accommodate those members of staff and students who continue to self-isolate and partly because most meetings are too large to be held safely with 2 metre distancing in College.
2 metres distancing will be maintained in all teaching situations, including those involving students living in the same bubble. Dr Clarke and Mr Freeman have assessed public rooms and offices for teaching arrangements and academic staff should have received information from Dr Clarke already. Please contact Dr Clarke or me if you need information about teaching arrangements.
The dining hall has been prepared with a one-way system (entrance from the Quad, with marquees in place to allow for socially distanced queuing and storage of coats and bags) and exit through the door by the main staircase. The tables have been prepared to allow for 2 metre dining, with a maximum of 26 people dining at each sitting. ALL MEALS WILL NEED TO BE BOOKED. Information about how to book meals and other meal arrangements will be circulated in due course.
No visitors should be invited for lunch or dinner without the prior approval of the Catering Manager.
The Library has been prepared for 2 metre distanced use by up to 31 students. Staff should request books and other materials by e-mail from the Librarian who will arrange delivery with you, library@regents.ox.ac.uk. A ‘Click and Collect’ service is being set up and information will be circulated when it is available.
Visitors should be kept to the absolutely essential only, e.g. contractors arranged by the Operations team, students from other colleges for tuition with Fellows and Lecturers who have offices on site. Private teaching arrangements should not be carried out on site. All visitors will be required to sign in at reception in case of the need to track and trace.
Wash your hands
Hand sanitisers have been placed around the College site at entrances, exits, outside public rooms and in other frequently used places. You are encouraged to use these and normal hand washing facilities regularly, following the guidelines on suitable hand washing methods, and particularly after touching any surface which might have been touched by others.
Please try to reduce the number of surfaces you touch – e.g. when opening doors use a clothed elbow, or if using the photocopier try to use a pen or other suitable implement rather than fingers when touching the screen. A soft-tipped pen suitable for use on a tablet/ipad is ideal, or the corner of a University Card holder.
New and more frequent cleaning regimes are in place so please be sensitive and accommodating when the domestic staff are carrying out their duties.Anti-bacterial sprays and other cleaning materials can be provided for use in individual offices on request to the Catering Manager.
Wear a face covering
Lanyards with appropriate notices are available for staff who are exempt from wearing face coverings; please contact reception@regents.ox.ac.uk for information about being issued with a lanyard.
Face coverings are fabric coverings for the nose and mouth. (A face mask is a form of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as a fluid-resistant surgical mask, typically used in healthcare settings.) A face visor or shield is an additional level of protection but is NOT a face covering and a face covering should also be worn when a visor/shield is being used.
Face coverings are to be worn at all times in all public areas indoors.
Face coverings should be worn in all shared offices with 2 metre distancing, unless by agreement of all occupants not to do so.
Staff in single occupancy offices do not need to wear face coverings when working alone. If any visitors approach their office they should not enter unless 2 metre distance can be maintained, and face coverings should be worn. If offices are too small to allow for 2 metre distance, a public room should be booked for meetings.
Face coverings will be worn in all face-to-face tutorials and teaching sessions.
Face coverings do not need to be worn in the Quadrangles at present but 2 metres distancing must be maintained at all times. This will be kept under review and guidance may change.
Please see the University’s face covering policy for more information: https://www.ox.ac.uk/coronavirus/health/face-coverings
Got symptoms? Get a test
The University has an in-house COVID-19 testing service which is open to all staff of the University and colleges, providing rapid access to free testing. SSO is required and users must be on the University network, Oxford University eduroam or VPN. It is hoped that this service will be available outside the University’s network in the near future.
For more information go to https://www.ox.ac.uk/coronavirus/health/covid-testing
If any staff or student receive a positive test result through a route other than the University Early Alert service (e.g. via the national NHS service), it must be reported by completing the form for reporting external coronavirus positive results, continue to self-isolate, and report your absence to your line manager and college by e-mailing the Single Point of Contact. The information provided will enable the University and the college to take any action that may be appropriate to protect our community, and to maintain a full picture of the prevalence of COVID-19 within the collegiate University. The form can also be used on behalf of others with a positive result if necessary.
Contacted by track and trace? Stay at home
If you are contacted by track and trace you should stay at home if you are there or return home if you are out shopping or taking exercise. If you are at College you should notify your line manager and the College Single Point of Contact and go home immediately, taking extra care to ensure 2 metre distancing from anyone you meet while doing so. If you develop any symptoms while self-isolating you should book a test immediately either through the NHS or the University’s in-house testing service above.
Information on self-isolating is available here.