I am interested in quantitative research within the social sciences, including evolutionary game theory, quantitative finance, population genetics, etc. My recent research has focused on building quantitative frameworks in the social science domains of economics, management, and politics, and justifying the rigorous scientific foundation of economics theory and marketing research via complex interacting systems.
I hold a PhD from Bonn University and spent time as a research fellow at UC Berkeley, before taking up a research and teaching position at Oxford. I am a visiting professor at China Youth University of Political Science and Fudan University. At Regent’s Park, I direct the OPGDC, an interdisciplinary centre established to facilitate collaboration between researchers, practitioners and policy-makers in China and the UK.
Selected Quote
“The test of success is not what you do when you are on top. Success is how high you bounce when you hit the bottom.” George S. Patton
Selected Publications
Articles and Research Papers
- With A. Etheridge and F. Yu, 'Conditioning the logistic branching process on non-extinction', Theoretical Population Biology (forthcoming)
- With R. Foucart and C. Wang, 'Innovations and Technological Comebacks', International Journal of Research in Marketing (2018)
- With M. Savov, 'Fluctuations of a locally regulated population model and generalized Langevin equations', Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis (2015)
- With A. Bovier, 'Trait substitution tree on two time scales analysis', Markov Process and Related Fields 19.1 (2013)
- With W. Hong, 'Alternative proof for the recurrence and transience of random walks in random environment with bounded jumps', Acta Mathematica Scientia 30A (2009), pp. 289-96